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  1. Notes on Contributors

    Museum management and curatorship , 2008

    Enthalten in: Museum management and curatorship

    OLC Kunst und Kunstwissenschaft


    The Burlington magazine , 2008

    Enthalten in: The Burlington magazine

    OLC Kunst und Kunstwissenschaft

  3. Mostyn-Owen, William [ Autor/In ]


    The Burlington magazine , 2008

    Enthalten in: The Burlington magazine

    OLC Kunst und Kunstwissenschaft

  4. Franklin, David [ Autor/In ]

    Rosso Fiorentino, A. Natali

    The Burlington magazine , 2009

    Enthalten in: The Burlington magazine

    OLC Kunst und Kunstwissenschaft

  5. Vinson, Isabelle [ Autor/In ]


    Museum international / Quarterly review , 2008

    Enthalten in: Museum international / Quarterly review

    OLC Kunst und Kunstwissenschaft

  6. Reviews Online

    The art bulletin , 2009

    Enthalten in: The art bulletin

    OLC Kunst und Kunstwissenschaft

  7. Broude, Norma [ Autor/In ]

    G. B. Tiepolo at Valmarana: Gender Ideology in a Patrician Villa of the Settecento The frescoes by Giambattista Tiepolo for the palazzina of the Villa Valmarana are commonly and benignly described in the art historical literature as taking for their theme "stories of love." The political dynamics of gender, which inform their subjects, intentions, production, and reception, have never been recognized, let alone contextually probed. I argue here that the program for these frescoes embodied reactionary social norms and a conservative societal backlash in the mid-eighteenth century, engendered by the threat of dramatically changing conditions in the domestic and public lives of both women and men in the Veneto during this era

    The art bulletin , 2009

    Enthalten in: The art bulletin

    OLC Kunst und Kunstwissenschaft

  8. Morowitz, Laura [ Autor/In ]

    A Passion for Business: Wanamaker's, Munkácsy, and the Depiction of Christ - In late-nineteenth-century America, the Hungarian artist Mihály Munkácsy's Christ before Pilate and Christ on Golgotha enjoyed a phenomenal success, praised by critics, scholars, and ministers; thirty-five thousand Americans bought copies of the works to hang in their homes, schools, offices, and churches and millions viewed them in traveling exhibitions. John Wanamaker, the founder of what was arguably the most important department store empire at the turn of the century, bought the originals and displayed them in his store. The story of these paintings in the United States illuminates the confluence of business, art, and religion in this period

    The art bulletin , 2009

    Enthalten in: The art bulletin

    OLC Kunst und Kunstwissenschaft